2020-I Dates

June - September 2020
The students work in collaboration with the supervisors to study preliminaries necessary for their research and to choose a specific research topic (studying the state of the art and identifying a problem that has not been explored yet in the scientific literature).
September - October 2020
Two courses will be delivered for the students joining the programme:

MOOC on Being a Researcher, by Prof. Carlo Ghezzi, available here.

Course on Scientific Communication, by Prof. Nicoletta Di Blas. Contact the lecturer for the material of the course and the duties.

November 2020
The students submit a document containing the description of the research project they aim at accomplishing together with a detailed state of the art. The project proposal will be presented by the students in front of a scientific committee. All the students that will not be in Italy can deliver the presentation by means of videoconference tools.
From December 2020 to graduation
The students will work on their research project in collaboration with the supervisors.
2 months before graduation
The students must notify the HP committee (honoursprogramme-deib@polimi.it) about their intention to graduate.
1 months before graduation
The students must produce a conference paper describing the results of the research work. Furthermore, the students will be required to review the papers of the other students and to reply to the received reviews. Finally, the results described in the paper will be presented in front of a scientific committee.